Teenage Boys Who Like To Meet Using Social Media Shocked When The Unexpected Happened! (Social Experiment)

Technology has taken over each of our lives in this day and age. Communication has never been much easier, and connecting with people around us has never been more accessible. But certainly, it doesn't always come with benefits. It also has it's own drawbacks as well. And even hidden dangers and hazards most aren't even aware when we interact with people on social media. So, in an attempt to raise awareness about the dangers of social media, and how vulnerable users can be when interacting with the platform, YouTube star and social experiment guru Coby Persin once again enlightened each and every one of us of the potential pitfalls and hazards of social media. And in his recent experiment, he focuses his attention on younger boys, as previously he conducted an experiment as well on how vulnerable young girls are when exposed to social media.

In his previous experiment, Coby previously posed as a 15-year old boy and lured teenage girls into harmful situations as they are pressured with their decision. It turns out their parents were aware of their actions all along, as they were in total shock when they discovered their young girls are very vulnerable when they access social media and providing too much trust to strangers which could potentially harm them and even put their lives on danger. Now in Coby's recent experiment, he aims to put awareness to parents that not only their teenage daughters are vulnerable, but also their teenage sons as well! Recently released on 16th of September, 2015, the video has already gathered 8 million and a half views, and in his recent experiment, he poses as 15-year old Amanda Green, who proceeds to then send friend requests to three different young boys and initiates conversations with them to see how each of them react with the conversation. Of course, with the permission of the parents as they watch behind the scenes, the three boys have no clue at all that their parents are apart of the experiment as well, and once they bit the bait, they were surprised at what they found out. Each of them seemingly trusted strangers without much hesitation, seemingly willing to enter a strangers house comfortably. Even willing to step up inside a white transit van without thinking much about the consequences if it was a real-life scenario unfolding right in front of them. The last boy was even willing to sneak out of his own home just to meet up with Amanda. After just about 24 hours since the young boys initiated the conversation, they are already willing to take the risk of their actions seemingly excited to meet up with the young girl they thought they were seeing. The scenarios presented them with dangers that they themselves don't even know, and while they expect to meet up with Amanda, they were completely shocked and left in surprise when they saw their parents, and they cannot properly explain their own selves for the actions they have done. This proves that not only young girls are vulnerable to social media, but young boys as well. Regardless of whether it's a boy or girl, social media is well within reach of everyone, and for parents it's a good reminder to share the potential hazards and dangers social media presents to their sons and daughters so that they are aware of their actions and prevent putting their selves, and their lives at a great risk. Watch the social experiment by YouTube star Coby Persin, and see for yourself how vulnerable the youth is today when social media takes over their decisions and actions.

What do you think of the dangers social media presents? Should children and teenagers stay away from using social media? Or should parents monitor them and remind them of the potential dangers so that they are aware of the powers of social media? Don't forget to let us know your thoughts, opinions, and ideas by leaving us a comment down below!

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