Clouds In Russia Form An Image of Jesus Christ! You Have To See This!

It was a beautiful sunset in Russia. Rose hued skies, white clouds, it was a beautiful day indeed. Even more beautiful was a cloud seemingly formed in the image of Jesus Christ on the cross, spotted high above the sky! The rare but graceful occurrence was captured on a video and it was truly an amazing sight to see. It was even documented in a news report which left many people truly astonished! It can be seen in the video that the apparition seems to have formed with a resemblance and likeness of Jesus Christ crucified on a cross.

Nepholologists, experts in studying various cloud formations have yet to identify the phenomenon on what caused the magnificent formation. Many are also wondering if it was a sign coming from God the Father in Heaven, for the cross is a symbol of His Son's undying love. Locals immediately grabbed their cameras and started videotaping the whole scenario. While it truly is a beautiful sight, many have lingering doubts about the authenticity of the posted video. Some claim that through the use of computer applications, this was made possible. While witnesses state that it has indeed occurred, testifying to the magnificent cloud which symbolizes Jesus Christ. What do you think of the video? Is it real? Or is it just made up? Check it out and leave us a comment below and share your thoughts!

Source: Crackerdaily
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