KFC Served "Deep Fried Rat" According To Customer

WILMINGTON – A California man has posted on social media that he received a Fried Rat instead of a Fried Chicken from KFC.

Devorise Dixon's case that he was served southern style rodent has taken the web by storm, after he shared images and of his abdominal feast on Facebook.

Dixon says he put the thing in the cooler and came back to the restaurant with photographs and his buy receipt.

In a Facebook post, Dixon composed, "went back to KFC yesterday and talked with the manager, she said it is a rodent and apologized. Now is the ideal time for legal actions. Be safe, don't eat fast food."

KFC's Facebook page has been overflowed with photographs of Dixon's supper, and the organization has reacted to a few posts, saying they are willing to work with Dixon to determine the circumstance.

On one event KFC reacted by saying. "KFC considers client guarantees important, and we are attempting to research this matter. Our chicken tenders regularly differ fit as a fiddle and we, as of now, need confirmation to bolster this case. We are forcefully attempting to reach Mr. Dixon, and we ask for that he come back to the branch with the item for testing, or call us at 1-800-Call-KFC."

Later KFC added to their reaction with the accompanying:

"KFC has reached this client, yet he is declining to converse with us specifically or through a lawyer. Our chicken tenders regularly ship fit as a fiddle and we, at present, have no confirmation to bolster this affirmation. We have extended the chance to have a free lab assess the item at our own particular cost, however the client declines to give the item being referred to."
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