“Experts believe that this UFO Cube’s coming is a sign of SATANISM!”

Well, good for those who believes that God exist. For those who are not, especially for these experts, this UFO Cube’s coming is a sign that Satan, the fallen angel really exists.

In their said discovery, conspiracy theorists have seized on pictures they claim shows a "sinister and mind-blowing" cube-shaped unidentified flying object coming to our planet through a portal from another dimension. They have also claimed that the bizarre black-shaped object seen in the photos, released online, is suggested to have appeared through "a wormhole or portal" in clouds above El Pasco, Texas, United States.

But what could be more mind-blowing here is that a series of conspiracy and counter-conspiracy theories, including that it is a "sign of the devil" or a "US Government hologram to test human reaction ahead of a genuine alien disclosure" is said to have now become a viral and trending topic in the internet worldwide!

The ever famous Tyler Glockner, who narrates a YouTube video in which the photos were first revealed, said:
"I am personally at a loss for words when it comes to this UFO sighting, because this thing is mind-blowing.”

To conclude this, let us just ask the people. What could this cube-like thingy is? Is this another sign that this earth that we are all living all has come to its end? The answer lies within your minds.
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