Award-winning contemporary artist and Syracuse University art professor Sam Van Aken grew up on a family farm in Reading, Pennsylvania, but he spent his college years and much of his early career focused on art rather than agriculture. While Van Aken says that his work has always been "inspired by nature and our relationship to nature," it wasn't until recently that the artist's farming background became such a clear and significant influence, first in 2008 when he grafted vegetables together to create strange plants for his Eden exhibition.
The Tree of 40 Fruit is quite literally a fruit tree that will grow forty varieties of fruit from the family of stone fruits, including peach, plum, apricot, nectarine, cherry and the hybrid species therein. Blossoming in variegated tones of white and pink in early spring, and burdened by fruit in late summer, this work draws its significance from the number forty.
An art project featuring a live tree that bears 40 different kinds of fruit is more than just a conversation piece. The so-called "Tree of 40 Fruit" ó blossoming in a variety of pretty pink hues when completed ó is rooted in science.
The Tree of 40 Fruit is quite literally a fruit tree that will grow forty varieties of fruit from the family of stone fruits, including peach, plum, apricot, nectarine, cherry and the hybrid species therein. Blossoming in variegated tones of white and pink in early spring, and burdened by fruit in late summer, this work draws its significance from the number forty.
An art project featuring a live tree that bears 40 different kinds of fruit is more than just a conversation piece. The so-called "Tree of 40 Fruit" ó blossoming in a variety of pretty pink hues when completed ó is rooted in science.
Each tree begins as a slightly odd-looking specimen resembling some kind of science experiment, and for much of the year, looks like just any other tree. In spring, the trees bloom to reveal an incredibly striking and thought-provoking example of what can happen when nature inspires art. Then, over the course of several months, Van Aken's trees produce an incredible harvest of plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, and almonds, including many you've likely never seen before.
To squeeze all 40 fruit varieties onto one tree, Van Aken is "grafting" budding branches from individual fruit trees onto one, large tree. To do this, he slices a mature, slightly brownish branch with buds from a peach tree, for instance, and inserts the branch into a matching slit in a branch on the Tree of 40 Fruit. Once the two branches connect, he wounds tape around their point of contact, allowing the bud to grow into a new branch.
Nature merged with art, this tree is the product of both artistry, science and agriculture, which is eminent that Sam Van Aken embodies nature and art into one.
To squeeze all 40 fruit varieties onto one tree, Van Aken is "grafting" budding branches from individual fruit trees onto one, large tree. To do this, he slices a mature, slightly brownish branch with buds from a peach tree, for instance, and inserts the branch into a matching slit in a branch on the Tree of 40 Fruit. Once the two branches connect, he wounds tape around their point of contact, allowing the bud to grow into a new branch.
Nature merged with art, this tree is the product of both artistry, science and agriculture, which is eminent that Sam Van Aken embodies nature and art into one.
Amazing Tree Can Bear 40 Different Fruits
ML - One of the most embarrassing aspects of U.S. politics is politicians who deny that money has any impact on what they do. For instance, Tom Corbett, Pennsylvania’s notoriously fracking-friendly former governor, got $1.7 million from oil and gas companies but assured voters that “The contributions don’t affect my decisions.” If you’re trying to get people to vote for you, you can’t tell them that what they want doesn’t matter.
This pose is also popular with a certain prominent breed of pundits, who love to tell us “Don’t Follow the Money” (New York Times columnist David Brooks), or “Money does not buy elections” (Freakonomics co-author Stephen Dubner on public radio’s Marketplace), or “Money won’t buy you votes” (Yale Law School professor Peter H. Schuck in the Los Angeles Times).
Meanwhile, 85 percent of Americans say we need to either “completely rebuild” or make “fundamental changes” to the campaign finance system. Just 13 percent think “only minor changes are necessary,” less than the 18 percent of Americans who believe they’ve been in the presence of a ghost.
So we’ve decided that it would be useful to collect examples of actual politicians acknowledging the glaringly obvious reality. Here’s a start; I’m sure there must be many others, so if you have suggestions, please leave them in the comments or email me. I’d also love to speak directly to current or former politicians who have an opinion about it.
• “Now [the United States is] just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congressmembers. … So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors …” — Jimmy Carter, former president, in 2015. (Thanks to Sam Sacks.)
• “You have to go where the money is. Now where the money is, there’s almost always implicitly some string attached. … It’s awful hard to take a whole lot of money from a group you know has a particular position then you conclude they’re wrong [and] vote no.” — Vice President Joe Biden in 2015.
• “Lobbyists and career politicians today make up what I call the Washington Cartel. … [They] on a daily basis are conspiring against the American people. … [C]areer politicians’ ears and wallets are open to the highest bidder.” — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in 2015.
• “When you start to connect the actual access to money, and the access involves law enforcement officials, you have clearly crossed a line. What is going on is shocking, terrible.” – James E. Tierney, former attorney general of Maine, in 2014.
• “Allowing people and corporate interest groups and others to spend an unlimited amount of unidentified money has enabled certain individuals to swing any and all elections, whether they are congressional, federal, local, state … Unfortunately and rarely are these people having goals which are in line with those of the general public. History well shows that there is a very selfish game that’s going on and that our government has largely been put up for sale.” – John Dingell, 29-term Democratic congressman from Michigan, in 2014 just before he retired.
• “When some think tank comes up with the legislation and tells you not to fool with it, why are you even a legislator anymore? You just sit there and take votes and you’re kind of a feudal serf for folks with a lot of money.” —Dale Schultz, 32-year Republican state legislator in Wisconsin and former state Senate Majority Leader, in 2013 before retiring rather than face a primary challenger backed by Americans for Prosperity.
• “The alliance of money and the interests that it represents, the access that it affords to those who have it at the expense of those who don’t, the agenda that it changes or sets by virtue of its power is steadily silencing the voice of the vast majority of Americans … The truth requires that we call the corrosion of money in politics what it is – it is a form of corruption and it muzzles more Americans than it empowers, and it is an imbalance that the world has taught us can only sow the seeds of unrest.” – Secretary of State John Kerry, in 2013 farewell speech to the Senate.
• “I think it is because of the corrupt paradigm that has become Washington, D.C., whereby votes continually are bought rather than representatives voting the will of their constituents. … That’s the voice that’s been missing at the table in Washington, D.C. — the people’s voice has been missing.” — Michele Bachmann, four-term Republican congresswoman from Minnesota and founder of the House Tea Party Caucus, in 2011.
• “The banks — hard to believe in a time when we’re facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created — are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” – Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., in 2009.
• “There is no question in the world that money has control.” — Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Presidential nominee, just before retiring from the Senate in 1986.
• ”When these political action committees give money, they expect something in return other than good government. … Poor people don’t make political contributions. You might get a different result if there were a poor-PAC up here.” — Bob Dole, former Republican Senate Majority Leader and 1996 GOP Presidential nominee, in 1983.
• “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” — Jesse Unruh, Speaker of the California Assembly in the 1960s and California State Treasurer in the 1970s and 80s.
• “There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money and I can’t remember what the second one is.” — Mark Hanna, William McKinley’s 1896 presidential campaign manager and later senator from Ohio, in 1895.
Again, please leave other good examples in the comments or email them to me at any time — I’ll keep updating this indefinitely. I’m looking specifically for working politicians (rather than pundits or activists) who describe a tight linkage between money and political outcomes (as opposed to something vaguer).
"Yes, We're Corrupt": A List Of Politicians Admitting That Money Controls Politics
Image Source: Google
Roughly about 100 women, or should we say vaginas, entered the competition and were voted by a handful of men. The results were analyzed in favor of the most intricate and elaborate looking vaginas, carefully paying attention to detail and flawlessness. It even has an examined data of every contestant on how they fared on the competition and published the results in The Vulva Paper.
Each contestant was evaluated, and it was revealed that voters seem to prefer those that are "meatier, with larger and often asymmetrical folds and flaps". What that even looks is likely out of our imagination but only one will stand out the winner and take away the grand prize.
27-year old Nell from UK, was voted as the clear winner of the prominent award, garnering tons of votes for her "most beautiful vagina" as she walks away with $5,000 dollars in cash and even got an opportunity to feature her award-winning private part 3-D scanned and be a model for Sloan's pleasure toys.
Contestant runner-ups were Jenny from Germany and Anita from Hungary, who received $2,500 and $1,500 dollars respectively from the competition.
As the event concludes, it was a truly fascinating contest in which women from around the world gather to display and exhibit their symbol of "pride" and "feminism" in a very unique and distinctive way.
Source: Dailypedia
As the event concludes, it was a truly fascinating contest in which women from around the world gather to display and exhibit their symbol of "pride" and "feminism" in a very unique and distinctive way.
Source: Dailypedia
World's Most Beautiful Vagina Contest Held, Find out who the winner is!
Fierce animals such as tigers can regularly be seen captive in zoos, the safaris, in jungles and.. streets?
Perhaps that would be the case as Green Bells Frozen Dog Food posted these questionable images on it's Facebook page.
This rare sighting was captured in Malabon, as it can be clearly seen that a man helds a metal chain leash tied to what seems to be a big cat. Scratch that, it's a tiger.
It's rather unsual to find an aggressive tiger looking so tamed and domesticated, as it seems to be quite acquainted to it's owner for a very long time.
The post was open to various opinions on users around the internet, as they state their own viewpoint regarding about the tiger, saying that the Malabon Zoo frequently takes out it's animals to give the animals some breathing room to avoid being stuck and jaded inside it's cages.
While others where stunned on how the tiger looks, as some people say it looks quite emaciated and hasn't been getting enough food. Others questioned whether it was even legal to own a very hostile pet like a tiger.
As they round about their opinions regarding the post, the question is legal? And even if it is, is it really safe to take out wild animals outside their cages and walk them out the streets?
While others where stunned on how the tiger looks, as some people say it looks quite emaciated and hasn't been getting enough food. Others questioned whether it was even legal to own a very hostile pet like a tiger.
As they round about their opinions regarding the post, the question is legal? And even if it is, is it really safe to take out wild animals outside their cages and walk them out the streets?
Source: wheninmanila
Fierce Animal Roaming the Streets of Malabon. When You Find Out What it is, You'll be Surprised!
ML - President Barack Obama has been using his time in Africa to advocate for the rights and dignity of LGBT people. Currently, only 21 of the 56 countries on the continent have decriminalized homosexuality, and only South Africa has legal recognition for trans people.
Obama first arrived in Kenya, where, despite warnings not to discuss LGBT issues, he said in no uncertain terms that LGBT rights are human rights. Aware of his policy of spreading acceptance and protections abroad, many anti-gay Africans have been on their guard. So when a rainbow was seen in the sky as Air Force One landed in Addis Ababa on Sunday, a number of Ethiopian commentators had meltdowns.
The above photo, posted by Ethiopia's Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was captioned:
Comments quickly turned heated, however, as people lashed out at the LGBT community. Below are a number of comments rounded up by Gay Star News:
In Ethiopia, homosexuality is illegal and punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Over the years, President Obama's administration has embraced the promotion of LGBT rights and equality abroad as a cornerstone of foreign policy. Speaking alongside Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta last week, Obama said:
Obama first arrived in Kenya, where, despite warnings not to discuss LGBT issues, he said in no uncertain terms that LGBT rights are human rights. Aware of his policy of spreading acceptance and protections abroad, many anti-gay Africans have been on their guard. So when a rainbow was seen in the sky as Air Force One landed in Addis Ababa on Sunday, a number of Ethiopian commentators had meltdowns.
The above photo, posted by Ethiopia's Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was captioned:
"President Barack Obama just landed in #AddisAbaba #Ethiopia for his three days official visit. Stunning #Rainbow on the skies of Addis as he landed."
Comments quickly turned heated, however, as people lashed out at the LGBT community. Below are a number of comments rounded up by Gay Star News:
"This rainbow is sign of God’s protection from every evil activities like obama’s government allow homosexual not sign of well come."
"So be careful mr obama to your agendas and activities for this 2 days cuz this is Ethiopia not American or Kenya."
"Don’t forget ! In Our motherland Ethiopia , the rainbow symbolizes God’s promise for mankind, not homosexuality!"
"No dirty gay marriage in our continent Africa."
"Please keep your homosexual agenda in Air Force One before u step on the holy land. Thanks."
In Ethiopia, homosexuality is illegal and punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Over the years, President Obama's administration has embraced the promotion of LGBT rights and equality abroad as a cornerstone of foreign policy. Speaking alongside Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta last week, Obama said:
“I believe in the principle of treating people equally under the law, that they are deserving of equal protection under the law, that the state should not discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation."
Anti-Gay Ethiopians Freak Out As Rainbow Welcomes President Obama
Image Source: Chao-Tiao Yumol
As they press forward in their protest, it was immediately halted in it's tracks by policemen, setting up a blockade to close the rally.
Image Source: philstar / viralquaker
Chao-Tiao Yumol posted a very questionable photo on facebook with the caption ""The rallyist after the Sona. So anong palitan ng pera at Mcdo ang nanyayari? Akala ko ba prinsipyo ang pinaglalaban? Talaga namang nakakahiya ng maging Pinoy. Ano ba yan."
Image Source: / viralquaker
As seen from the image, the woman in the left side of the image is wearing an Anak-pawis partylist shirt, seemingly handing out cash and what seems to be meals bought from McDonald's. The partylist is currenty being led by it's 15th Congress Representative, Rafael "Ka Paeng" Vititolo Mariano.
The partylist is said to be against the President's admistration as the conducted rallies related with the issue regarding the farmers known as the "Pork Barrel Scam by the Priority Develepment Assistance Fund, also known as PDAF.
Instead of fighting for principles, character and dignity, the exact opposite can truly be said. When money talks, ears are wide open, and eyes are being shut down as the partylists buy their way into people's supports as the cycle of deceiving the nation's hearts continues.
Source: viralquaker
SONA Rallyists Expose Partylist's True Colors. Find out about the issue
TWITTER - It now appears Twitter is using its legal authority to crack down on these tweet-stealers. A number of tweets have been deleted on copyright grounds for apparently stealing a bad joke.
As first spotted by @PlagiarismBad, at least five separate tweets have been deleted by Twitter for copying this joke:
Twitter, like many companies that host content from users, has an entire system for handling claims of copyright infringement. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Twitter is provided "safe harbor" from copyright claims so long as it does not try to protect infringing material. Typically, claims concern embedded media like photos and videos, or they're for tweets that link to other websites that are illegally hosting copyrighted material, like movies. It's rarer for a DMCA request to involve the actual text of a 140-character tweet.
Anyone can submit a claim through Twitter's web form, and Twitter staffers weed through the claims to decide which appear valid. If it decides to follow through with the request, Twitter can then remove or delete the tweet. The company's policy is to then give the offending user ten days to file a counter notice. Twitter also publishes DMCA requests publicly on the website Chilling Effects, though records of this particular claim do not appear to be on the site yet. Twitter declined to comment for this story.
Of course, it should come as little surprise that people and corporations have tried to use DMCA takedowns for illegitimate reasons. Most recently, The Sunday Times tried to use DMCA to block criticism of one of its articles, and GoPro was accused of trying a similar tactic to cut down on negative reviews.
As first spotted by @PlagiarismBad, at least five separate tweets have been deleted by Twitter for copying this joke:
Olga Lexell, who, according to her Twitter bio, is a freelance writer in LA, appears to be the first person to publish the joke on Twitter. In a tweet posted this afternoon, she confirmed that she did file a request to have the tweets removed.saw someone spill their high end juice cleanse all over the sidewalk and now I know god is on my side— uh (@runolgarun) July 9, 2015
I simply explained to Twitter that as a freelance writer I make my living writing jokes (and I use some of my tweets to test out jokes in my other writing). I then explained that as such, the jokes are my intellectual property, and that the users in question did not have my permission to repost them without giving me credit.She added that most of the accounts that were reusing her tweets without accreditation were "spam accounts that repost tons of other people's jokes every day." This also isn't the first time Twitter has complied with a request like this: Lexell tells The Verge that she's filed similar requests for other jokes. Twitter staffers typically remove the offending tweets "within a few days" without asking Lexell any follow-up questions.
Twitter, like many companies that host content from users, has an entire system for handling claims of copyright infringement. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Twitter is provided "safe harbor" from copyright claims so long as it does not try to protect infringing material. Typically, claims concern embedded media like photos and videos, or they're for tweets that link to other websites that are illegally hosting copyrighted material, like movies. It's rarer for a DMCA request to involve the actual text of a 140-character tweet.
Anyone can submit a claim through Twitter's web form, and Twitter staffers weed through the claims to decide which appear valid. If it decides to follow through with the request, Twitter can then remove or delete the tweet. The company's policy is to then give the offending user ten days to file a counter notice. Twitter also publishes DMCA requests publicly on the website Chilling Effects, though records of this particular claim do not appear to be on the site yet. Twitter declined to comment for this story.
Of course, it should come as little surprise that people and corporations have tried to use DMCA takedowns for illegitimate reasons. Most recently, The Sunday Times tried to use DMCA to block criticism of one of its articles, and GoPro was accused of trying a similar tactic to cut down on negative reviews.
Twitter Deleting "Stolen Jokes And Quotes"
ML - Is your computer safe? Experts say that a virus posing as an upgrade called "Windows 10" is spreading fast among computers worldwide.
The window above is what you will see if you're a user of Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Once you click it, it will show you a series of slideshows that tout a new upgrade for the Microsoft's award-winning operating system.
The "free upgrade" will then install a trojan virus to your computer that will automatically update itself every 2 hours until your internet speed and data are both capped. Computers in offices have already been affected at a ratio of 2:1 according to network analysts at the Pentagon. Multiple companies in the US have already filed a state of emergency after their networks crashed with the Windows 10 virus.
Microsoft has denied the existence of Windows 10, saying that they're revamping their operating system by re-releasing it simply as "Windows OS." It will be available on mobile phones, laptops, tablets and desktops.
The window above is what you will see if you're a user of Windows 8 or Windows 8.1. Once you click it, it will show you a series of slideshows that tout a new upgrade for the Microsoft's award-winning operating system.
The "free upgrade" will then install a trojan virus to your computer that will automatically update itself every 2 hours until your internet speed and data are both capped. Computers in offices have already been affected at a ratio of 2:1 according to network analysts at the Pentagon. Multiple companies in the US have already filed a state of emergency after their networks crashed with the Windows 10 virus.
Microsoft has denied the existence of Windows 10, saying that they're revamping their operating system by re-releasing it simply as "Windows OS." It will be available on mobile phones, laptops, tablets and desktops.
"Upgrade To Windows 10" Virus Spreading Fast Among Computers
Nature takes it's course in so many ways, as do the inhabitants of it adjust to it's ever changing surroundings. As some reptiles give birth to their offspring by laying eggs, for others, it may be much more than that.
Such as this instance where a snake, yes a snake, gives birth to it's babies just like mammals. A pregnant anaconda swims underwater, searching for a suitable location to deliver her babies. After a few moments, it can be seen that tiny, subtle tails and heads emerge near the edge of the mother's tail.
It is an amazing sight to see, as the beauty of nature unfolds before our eyes, witnessing these rare events as life is born anew in continuing the cycle of existence.
Source: Todayinmanila
Source: Todayinmanila
Video Source: Videos of the wild
Reptile Gives Birth to Offspring in Distinct Way.
What better way to showcase your magic tricks than to videobomb a live news report with style, right? That's what these two magicians exactly did in Westminstern, UK.
As the reporter goes about his business, the two magicians quietly slid behind the cameras along with their instrument. They enthusiastically try to garner attention in the cameras, as the guy enters the istrument and performs a contortion illusion. At first, it seems that the instrument perfectly fits the guy's length, but as it is adjusted, it can be seen that his body also adjusts it's length to the instrument as well.
How they performed this magic is a trick on it's own, but doing it on national t.v. in front of the cameras of a live news report is some "tricky negotiations" indeed that left a glimpse of awe and amazement in thousands of viewer's eyes.
Source: Young & Strange / 9GAG
Two Magician Videobomb News Report With a Magic Trick. Find out how they did it!
TEXAS - Back in the day, banks and savings and loans would give away toasters and other gifts to get new customers. Now, the Benny Boyd Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram dealership in Andrews, Texas, is taking the free-gift idea to a whole ‘nuther level.
A new car will get you spankin’ new gun, pardner.
That’s right. Buy a new car and you could also be a proud owner of a Smith & Wesson 9 mm handgun, an AR-15 assault rifle, or an American Ruger 243 deer rifle.
But it’s not as easy as it sounds. The dealership isn’t handing out weapons. It’s giving a $500 gift certificate to a local farm and ranch supply store, which requires the usual paperwork.
As you might expect, giving away guns is not all about selling cars, as General Manager Strate Colbath explained. “Just a lot of things going on right now around West Texas and a lot of things going on around the US. We thought this promotion would pretty much set us apart and celebrate our 2nd Amendment right.”
It seems to be working. The dealership is having a bang-up sales month that’s hotter than a two-dollar pistol.
Texas Car Dealership Offers Free Guns With Car
There have been occurences of supernatural events around the world attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or belief. And this one may just be on top of the list.
Words are insufficient to describe what the images portray here. Seemingly a human (assuming it is) clothed in white, with two wings protruding on it's back that looks like wings of a chicken of some sort.
Locals report that this unnatural specimen has fallen out of the sky and has been found unconscious. People are puzzled when they saw the being as they cannot perceive what it truly is.
It was first placed under a net. Sooner scientists have taken the unearthly being to further study and evaluate how, why, what, and where this thing actually came from.
Image Source: Jimmy Ollie Facebook
Mysterious Being Falls Out of The Sky. Check out what it is!
Image: Coby Persin
As we roam the streets of our cities, we seldom pass by homeless people living on the sideways. Others need the most help they can get, as almost all of them need a helping hand as each and everyone of them has their own story of their life waiting to be told.Image: Coby Persin
Coby Persin, YouTube personality prankster, decided to conduct a social experiment outside the skirts of New York City. He costumed himself to appear as a homeless man looking for help and attention. He held 2 different signs with 2 different captions. One says "Homeless need money for weeds, drugs & alcohol." The second one bears "Homeless single father need money for family." On both occasions he wore the exact same clothes, but he was accompanied by a child when he raised the 2nd sign bearing a homeless father.The amount of money Coby has received was undisclosed on his conducted prank, but some people and media viewers have conflicting opinions on whether or not the experiment was merely and act, or true at all, as people call it "scripted" and "rigged".
Watch the viral video until the end, and you be the judge for yourself.
Watch the viral video until the end, and you be the judge for yourself.
Source: Coby Persin YouTube Channel/ Elitereaders
Social Experiment: Homeless Drug Addict vs Homeless Father? See who wins people's hearts!
Owning a pet seems rather rewarding as a pet can be one your very best friends and it can also relieve stress and provide accompaniment for pet owners. Unfortunately for Jane Walters of Toledo, Ohio, owner of a cat, was one of the unfortunate to receive a condition called Cat Scratch Disease, which is the result of bacterial infection spread by kittens and cats. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the disease can be transmitted when a cat licks open wounds, scratches or bites through a person's skin.
She was sound asleep when she suddenly woke up, puzzled at why she couldn't see from one eye. She initially thought it was just a pink eye, but after checking up with the optometrist, she found out that her eye was infected.
She was sound asleep when she suddenly woke up, puzzled at why she couldn't see from one eye. She initially thought it was just a pink eye, but after checking up with the optometrist, she found out that her eye was infected.
Unfortunately for Jane, doctors told her that her vision loss cannot be cured. Prior to being diagnosed, she wasn't even aware that there was a kind of disease like that even existed. But she felt seemingly lucky as the cat scratch was only able to affect her one eye, as she can still see with the other.
Kristopher Brickman of University of Toledo, said that the infection can spread through when a cat that's infected with the disease comes in contact with the skin such as it's saliva, claws and paws. Roughly about 40% of cats carry the disease, so people thinking about getting a pet with a cat should schedule a check up with an animal vet first before taking the cat home for safety purposes.
Watch the video for more information regarding the said issue.
Souce: todayinmanila
Kristopher Brickman of University of Toledo, said that the infection can spread through when a cat that's infected with the disease comes in contact with the skin such as it's saliva, claws and paws. Roughly about 40% of cats carry the disease, so people thinking about getting a pet with a cat should schedule a check up with an animal vet first before taking the cat home for safety purposes.
Watch the video for more information regarding the said issue.
Souce: todayinmanila
Pet Cat Owner Goes Blind. The Reason Why Will Make You Think Twice
NEW DELHI - The Bombay High Court has ruled that regularly coming home late without informing the wife amounts to cruelty, Hindustan Times reported.
“Such type of conduct on the part of the husband… amounts to cruelty to the wife,” observed a division Bench comprising Justice P.B. Majmudar and Justice R.V. More.
It is expected that the husband “at least inform the wife on telephone” so that she won’t wait for him, the high court added while delivering the judgment on Thursday.
Pune-based Deeplakshmi had filed a petition challenging the Pune family court’s May 29 order, which had dissolved her marriage acting on her husband Sachin Zingade’s petition.
Zingade had accused his wife of picking up quarrels with him, suspecting him of having an extramarital affair and insulting his parents and friends whenever they visited his home.
The family court had accepted his contention on the point of suspicion and termed it as cruelty.
The high court, however, clarified that the spouses are entitled to point out their legitimate grievances against each other.
“If the circumstances so warrant, the wife may have some suspicion about the act and behaviour of her husband,” observed the high court.
The family court has also treated Deeplakshmi’s complaint under the Domestic Violence Act against her husband and in-laws as an act of cruelty.
It had concluded that it was a false case as there was no independent evidence or police complaint.
The high court, again, reversed this and said: “Filing of the complaint itself can never be considered as an act of cruelty, unless it is found by positive evidence that it was a false complaint.”
“Such type of conduct on the part of the husband… amounts to cruelty to the wife,” observed a division Bench comprising Justice P.B. Majmudar and Justice R.V. More.
It is expected that the husband “at least inform the wife on telephone” so that she won’t wait for him, the high court added while delivering the judgment on Thursday.
Pune-based Deeplakshmi had filed a petition challenging the Pune family court’s May 29 order, which had dissolved her marriage acting on her husband Sachin Zingade’s petition.
Zingade had accused his wife of picking up quarrels with him, suspecting him of having an extramarital affair and insulting his parents and friends whenever they visited his home.
The family court had accepted his contention on the point of suspicion and termed it as cruelty.
The high court, however, clarified that the spouses are entitled to point out their legitimate grievances against each other.
“If the circumstances so warrant, the wife may have some suspicion about the act and behaviour of her husband,” observed the high court.
The family court has also treated Deeplakshmi’s complaint under the Domestic Violence Act against her husband and in-laws as an act of cruelty.
It had concluded that it was a false case as there was no independent evidence or police complaint.
The high court, again, reversed this and said: “Filing of the complaint itself can never be considered as an act of cruelty, unless it is found by positive evidence that it was a false complaint.”
India: "Coming Late Without Informing Wife Is Cruelty"
The school leavers' ball - or prom, as they are increasingly called - is one of the landmark events in a teenage girl's life, marking the end of years of hard work.
It has become a crucial rite of passage for teenagers everywhere. But for 16-year-old Terri Calvesbert her school prom was even more significant than most.
Terri's life was forever changed in a devastating fire at her home in Ipswich, Suffolk, when she was a two-year-old baby. She was left with no hair, lips, nose or fingers, and just one foot. Wrapped head to toe in bandages, she had to learn to walk all over again.
Despite the fateful encounter, Terri didn't allow the tribulation to hinder her on living her life as she intended.
She arrived in All Manor of Events at Henly, sending her of in style with a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce. Cheers were heard as soon as she was seen by schoolmates and the faculties dressed in red with a captivating glimmer of her smile.
It certainly is memorable for a young woman to attend prom before leaving school, but for Terri, it wasn't just memorable, it was special.
Source: todayinmanila
It has become a crucial rite of passage for teenagers everywhere. But for 16-year-old Terri Calvesbert her school prom was even more significant than most.
Terri's life was forever changed in a devastating fire at her home in Ipswich, Suffolk, when she was a two-year-old baby. She was left with no hair, lips, nose or fingers, and just one foot. Wrapped head to toe in bandages, she had to learn to walk all over again.
Despite the fateful encounter, Terri didn't allow the tribulation to hinder her on living her life as she intended.
She arrived in All Manor of Events at Henly, sending her of in style with a chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce. Cheers were heard as soon as she was seen by schoolmates and the faculties dressed in red with a captivating glimmer of her smile.
It certainly is memorable for a young woman to attend prom before leaving school, but for Terri, it wasn't just memorable, it was special.
Source: todayinmanila
Tragic Incident in Girl's Life Wasn't a Hindrance to Not Attend Prom
It is truly despairing when people cannot carry the load of being a parent, resorting to abandoning the innocent life of a baby without hesitation. It breaks hearts to see stuff happen like this, and recently a story of a boy who was buried alive and left for dead by his parents, miraculously survived and turned the tide of fate.
In the mountains of Tian Dong Country, a local named Lu Fenglian was gathering herbs for medicinal purposes, overheard a sound of which was like a crying baby. As she couldn't locate where it was coming from, she thought the mountain was haunted by lost souls, so she ran straight to the Buddhist temple to ask for help regarding the issue.
In the mountains of Tian Dong Country, a local named Lu Fenglian was gathering herbs for medicinal purposes, overheard a sound of which was like a crying baby. As she couldn't locate where it was coming from, she thought the mountain was haunted by lost souls, so she ran straight to the Buddhist temple to ask for help regarding the issue.
She turned to 75-year old Monk Zhao Shimin for help, and they went back to the mountain to further investigate. After moments of searching, the monk immediately perceived that the cry must be from a baby being buried underground.
They callled local police authorities and they dug up the area in search for the baby. They soon found a cardboard box, buried just several centimeters from the ground. Surprisingly, the baby was found inside covered with a blanket full of dirt and other items inside it. Police also reported that the poor baby was abandoned because of a cleft in his lip, which was a very shallow reason to leave the infant behind.
Reports told that the baby was buried for almost 8 days. To their surprise is how the baby managed to survive that long being buried in soil.
They callled local police authorities and they dug up the area in search for the baby. They soon found a cardboard box, buried just several centimeters from the ground. Surprisingly, the baby was found inside covered with a blanket full of dirt and other items inside it. Police also reported that the poor baby was abandoned because of a cleft in his lip, which was a very shallow reason to leave the infant behind.
Reports told that the baby was buried for almost 8 days. To their surprise is how the baby managed to survive that long being buried in soil.
Watch the full video on how this remarkable story unfolded.
Source: Amazing World News
Newborn Baby Miraculously Turned the Tide of Fate After being Buried alive for 8 straight days. How he survived will surprise you!
PHILADELPHIA – Angela Gardner, age 35, was shot in both her legs multiple times by Kenneth Bailor.
Angela, described as “always playing Candy Crush” is currently being treated in the emergency room in critical condition after being shot in both her legs. The gunman, 26 year old Kenneth Bailor is currently in custody and will face charges of attempted murder. Kenneth Bailor tells investigators, “I expecting a notification from bae but instead I was getting game invites from Angela.” He supposedly asked Angela Gardner to stop sending him game requests but she never stopped. He claims he even blocked her and she still sent him game invites. Bailor says, “it's like she was asking to be killed”.
“She played Candy Crush way too much,” says Allison Smith, a close friend of Angela. “She was getting annoying, it’s not that surprising that someone shot her, believe it or not.” It is reported Angela sent Kenneth and almost all her friends an average of 14 Candy Crush invites daily to all of her friends. Nurses reported that Angela, although, barely alive and well, asked for her iPhone so she can play “one more round of candy crush before I die.”
It is currently not known if Angela will survive the gunshot wounds, but it is obvious that she believes her life is over.
Angela, described as “always playing Candy Crush” is currently being treated in the emergency room in critical condition after being shot in both her legs. The gunman, 26 year old Kenneth Bailor is currently in custody and will face charges of attempted murder. Kenneth Bailor tells investigators, “I expecting a notification from bae but instead I was getting game invites from Angela.” He supposedly asked Angela Gardner to stop sending him game requests but she never stopped. He claims he even blocked her and she still sent him game invites. Bailor says, “it's like she was asking to be killed”.
“She played Candy Crush way too much,” says Allison Smith, a close friend of Angela. “She was getting annoying, it’s not that surprising that someone shot her, believe it or not.” It is reported Angela sent Kenneth and almost all her friends an average of 14 Candy Crush invites daily to all of her friends. Nurses reported that Angela, although, barely alive and well, asked for her iPhone so she can play “one more round of candy crush before I die.”
It is currently not known if Angela will survive the gunshot wounds, but it is obvious that she believes her life is over.
Woman Shot For Sending Too Many Game Invites On Facebook
Numerous pranks on the internet have brought laughters and smiles from viewers around the internet. But when you watch to see this frightening jape, it will make you think twice about laughing.
This is the moment a group of Good Samaritans approach what appears to be a lost, sobbing child - only for her to reveal her terrifying 'demon child' feats.
This is the moment a group of Good Samaritans approach what appears to be a lost, sobbing child - only for her to reveal her terrifying 'demon child' feats.
DMPranksProductions, known for executing eerily scary pranks on YouTube, once again performed a very terrifying jest. People approach the girl - who is sitting with her head in her hands crying.
But little do they know they are actually being filmed as part of an elaborate prank.
When the concerned passers-by get close, the girl shows her spine-chilling face, before screaming and running after them.
Evidently petrified at what they have experienced, those who were caught victim will surely think twice about sleeping well at the very least.
Watch the video and let the hair-raising footage send you a message.
But little do they know they are actually being filmed as part of an elaborate prank.
When the concerned passers-by get close, the girl shows her spine-chilling face, before screaming and running after them.
Evidently petrified at what they have experienced, those who were caught victim will surely think twice about sleeping well at the very least.
Watch the video and let the hair-raising footage send you a message.
VIRAL: Sinister Demon Child Prank Sends Bone-Chilling Nerves to Unwary Victims
In an attempt to spread awareness on women's roles in securing peace and national security, women soldiers from the Civil Relations Sevice of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (CRS-AFP) posted a video online branding themselves as "pabebe girls".
"Kami ang inyong pabebe soldiers at walang makakapigil sa amin para maglingkod sa bayan (We are your pabebe soldiers and no one can stop us from serving our country.", soldiers said in the video.
"Kami ang inyong pabebe soldiers at walang makakapigil sa amin para maglingkod sa bayan (We are your pabebe soldiers and no one can stop us from serving our country.", soldiers said in the video.
It lasted about 24 seconds, and the video seemingly resembles the viral videos of sassy teenage girls with audacious attitudes.
Lt. Lady Chatterly Alvaro-Sumbeling of the Philippine Navy said their video aims to uplift awareness of the important roles women possess in the army.
"Naisip ko trending ang pabebe girls, so naghanap ako ng mga kasama sa gagawin kong video (I thought the pabebe girls video was trending, so I looked for other women soldiers who can join me in the video.) Alvaro-Sumbeling told.
She also said that the video aims to break the common clich that women are feeble, weak and shallow.
Lt. Lady Chatterly Alvaro-Sumbeling of the Philippine Navy said their video aims to uplift awareness of the important roles women possess in the army.
"Naisip ko trending ang pabebe girls, so naghanap ako ng mga kasama sa gagawin kong video (I thought the pabebe girls video was trending, so I looked for other women soldiers who can join me in the video.) Alvaro-Sumbeling told.
She also said that the video aims to break the common clich that women are feeble, weak and shallow.
We salute these soldiers in raising awareness not just for pure attention, but for making people aware about the importance of what women's roles are in play in the military.
Video Source: Miss supastah Channel
VIRAL: Pabebe Women Soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines takes latest trend as platform for inspiration. Watch the video and be inspired!
MAKATI - 27 suspects were arrested today at a raid in an undisclosed warehouse in south Makati. Police said there was an illegal fight club operating in the area led by Maximo "Brad Pitt" Mariano.
Inspired by the movie "Fight Club," Mariano founded the illegal fighting organization in Las Piñas before moving to Makati summer of 2014. According to a notebook confiscated during the raid, the said fight club has a total of 85 members.
"Napanood ko kasi yung movie ni Brad Pitt. Kaya gumawa kami ng kuya ko ng sarili naming Fight Club," said Mariano. ("We watched Brad Pitt's movie. So my brother and I made our own Fight Club.")
Mariano explained to the police officers that he has a brother named Allan who is his accomplice but records show that he is an only child. Psychiatrists have been running tests on Mariano since this afternoon and will release findings before the court hearing.
In the Fight Club movie, the protagonist has a split personality who he thought was another person until the end. Mariano's stories have loose ties to the movie's storyline which is also being investigated by the police.
More on this story as it develops.
Inspired by the movie "Fight Club," Mariano founded the illegal fighting organization in Las Piñas before moving to Makati summer of 2014. According to a notebook confiscated during the raid, the said fight club has a total of 85 members.
"Napanood ko kasi yung movie ni Brad Pitt. Kaya gumawa kami ng kuya ko ng sarili naming Fight Club," said Mariano. ("We watched Brad Pitt's movie. So my brother and I made our own Fight Club.")
Mariano explained to the police officers that he has a brother named Allan who is his accomplice but records show that he is an only child. Psychiatrists have been running tests on Mariano since this afternoon and will release findings before the court hearing.
In the Fight Club movie, the protagonist has a split personality who he thought was another person until the end. Mariano's stories have loose ties to the movie's storyline which is also being investigated by the police.
More on this story as it develops.
Filipino "Fight Club" Discovered And Shut Down

YOUTUBE - "Filipino Food Or Not?" It's what these Americans answer in this hilarious, but informative video clip!
Americans Guess If It's A Filipino Food Or Not
In an inspiring video posted by facebook user Kay Toonz, she shared a rare revelation to hundreds of viewers online as she did the "My Don't Judge Me Challenge!" A challenge about revealing something about who you are, and encouraging people to not judge others regardless of their situation. It took a lot of courage and strength for her to post such a video, and the responses were positive as viewers praised her for standing up for herself and taking pride in what her life has become.
When she was 8 years old, Kay was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease that affected her intestines. It required her to have surgery and have her put a medical bag on the lower right side of her stomach for her to deposit her vowel movements.
She said that she was inspired by her friends to do the video, along with her two children in revealing to the world that even a disease would not be able to stop her in living her life and being proud of who she is.
"Be proud of you in your skin, don't let anybody tear you down, break you down." as she uttered these powerful words to encourage other people who have the same condition and situation as her, and it applies too to everyone to not be ashamed of themselves and avoid the fear of being judged by other people.
My Don't Judge Me Challenge! Kay Cole
Posted by Kay Toonz on Saturday, July 18, 2015
VIRAL: Woman shares story about her deepest secret, find out about her telling tale!
TORONTO - A University of Toronto research showed that Filipinos are the undisputed #1 bullies on the internet. See the rest of the list here.
3. Americans (United States)
Americans or more infamously, "black Twitter," is the main cause of bullying on social media. Tweets posted by people of African-American descent have turned from playful bashing to "roasting" in which the person being bullied is harassed by multiple people at once. Research also showed that nude pictures of celebrities and non-celebrities alike spread faster among the black community.
2. English (United Kingdom)
The English, according to research, has a more "elitist" cyberbullying technique in which they harass a person, usually of different origins, as being less of a human than they are. 33% of bullies on the YouTube comments section are from England. "Fat People Hate," a community formerly based on the popular social networking site reddit, was also led by a majority of English folks. They routinely harassed, bullied and dehumanized people that they considered obese.
1. Filipinos (Philippines)
Filipinos are the most active bullies on Twitter, Facebook and on forums according to the research. 1 out of 4 cyberbullying incident is attributed to a Filipino. The languange difference, since the majority of Filipinos use their native languange, makes the bullying of international celebrities go unnoticed. A primary example was during the boxing match between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather, Filipinos took to Twitter to call the Mayweather family "a bunch of monkeys." Filipinos are also the blame for 85% of cyberbullying incidents on popular computer games Dota 2 and League of Legends.
Filipinos Ranked As The #1 Cyberbullies In The World
Rumors have been spreading that former child star actor, Jiro Manio, was found dead and his body was found in Cainta, Rizal. Turns out the story was just a fraud bluff on the actor.
Box-Office Comedy Queen Ai-Ai Delas Alas, certainly wasn't pleased on the circulating death hoaxes on what she claims her "anak-anakan."
Previous reports revealed that actor Marvin Agustin and Ai-Ai have offered to help Jiro get his life back together after he was found wandering at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport for about four days and people were subtly providing him with food and clothes.
On her most recent post on Instagram, Ai-Ai has shared the following photos in proving that Jiro was okay, alive and healthy. She also has encouraged people to stop the false rumors regarding about the child actor.
Box-Office Comedy Queen Ai-Ai Delas Alas, certainly wasn't pleased on the circulating death hoaxes on what she claims her "anak-anakan."
Previous reports revealed that actor Marvin Agustin and Ai-Ai have offered to help Jiro get his life back together after he was found wandering at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport for about four days and people were subtly providing him with food and clothes.
On her most recent post on Instagram, Ai-Ai has shared the following photos in proving that Jiro was okay, alive and healthy. She also has encouraged people to stop the false rumors regarding about the child actor.
"ETO SYA SUPER HEALTHY.... Ok na ok sya buhay na buhay... Sana mga taong nagkakalat na patay sya tumigil na sila... To all my followers paki repost nalang po... Salamat... #buhayathealthyjiro - @sanchovito @mamalits @gerald_potenciano", as was captioned in her post.
Now the truth has been revealed, and we can hope that people would stop spreading false rumors about Jiro Manio and wish him the best of picking up his life back together again.
Now the truth has been revealed, and we can hope that people would stop spreading false rumors about Jiro Manio and wish him the best of picking up his life back together again.
Ms. AI-AI Latest instagram post shows proof that child actor Jiro Manio is alive, well, and healthy
FACEBOOK - A screen cap of an argument among students sparked the debate whether theology and science shouldn't mix together in schools.
The pro-God stance argues that schools should not teach science, especially the Big Bang Theory, as the root of men and all creations. "We don't care what facts they have, we have the Bible," said one netizen in response to the viral screen cap.
The pro-Science stance argues that teaching God as the root of all creations disqualifies and "disrespects" other beliefs. "Science has facts, these religious people should know how to respect facts. Whenever we try to argue with them, they just say 'bla bla bla, you're going to hell,'" said Martin Baltazar in a Facebook post.
Celebrities have been tagged on both Facebook and Twitter, but no big names have chimed in on the debate so far.
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The pro-God stance argues that schools should not teach science, especially the Big Bang Theory, as the root of men and all creations. "We don't care what facts they have, we have the Bible," said one netizen in response to the viral screen cap.
The pro-Science stance argues that teaching God as the root of all creations disqualifies and "disrespects" other beliefs. "Science has facts, these religious people should know how to respect facts. Whenever we try to argue with them, they just say 'bla bla bla, you're going to hell,'" said Martin Baltazar in a Facebook post.
Celebrities have been tagged on both Facebook and Twitter, but no big names have chimed in on the debate so far.
Facebook Debate Sparks God Vs Science In Schools

SOUTH AFRICA - An Australian surfer has made an incredible escape after encountering two sharks during a major competition in South Africa.
Mick Fanning was competing in Jeffreys Bay, on the eastern Cape, when one of the sharks approached his surfboard. The final of the J-Bay Open had only just started when Fanning was knocked off his surfboard and into the sea.
Fanning, the defending champion, escaped injury. The tournament was called off soon afterwards. "I was just sitting there and I felt something just get stuck in my leg rope, and I was kicking trying to get it away," Fanning told Fox Sports.
"I just saw fins. I was waiting for the teeth." Fanning, a three-time world champion, said he was able to "get a punch into its back" and startle it.
The event was being broadcast live on television. Footage later cut to Fanning and co-competitor Julian Wilson, also of Australia, on a rescue boat reliving the incident. The relieved-looking pair then received loud applause from a crowd on the beach.
The World Surf League (WSL), which organises the competition, said Fanning was approached by two sharks, and that he and Wilson were both rescued from the water by jet-skis.
Surfer Attacked By Shark On National Television
News circling around the internet has been capturing people's attention regarding the reports of Jiro Manio being found dead at Cainta Rizal.
Spreading like wildfire, the post was headlined by "Breaking News: Batang Actor Na Si Jiro Manio Natagpuang Patay Sa Cainta Rizal! Panoorin!"
Desiring to seek the truth about the spreading rumors, we have decided to look deeper and search for information from respectable and trusted resources, as we have found out these rumors are nothing but just made-up hoaxes about the actor.
It is mainly just a form of click-bait and nothing more but fake, mock-up information.
As for you to all know, actor Jiro Manio is still alive, but his situation is still far from clearing. Last reports were about his kuya Marvin extending his helping hands, offering Jiro a job in order for him to build up his life once again. You can watch the link on the report on this for more information below
It is mainly just a form of click-bait and nothing more but fake, mock-up information.
As for you to all know, actor Jiro Manio is still alive, but his situation is still far from clearing. Last reports were about his kuya Marvin extending his helping hands, offering Jiro a job in order for him to build up his life once again. You can watch the link on the report on this for more information below
Truth Regarding Child Actor Jiro Manio Has Been Revealed
Image Source: Design Taxi
Their marketplace in London has been set up and is quite gaining gruesome popularity dating back before the release of Resident Evil 6 in the year 2012.
Shoppers were caught unaware as they stare a bloody surprise at Smithfield Market stalls, with bodies dangling and arms just ever so slightly hanging off the racks.
The setup was made just so to specifically recreate the final scene of the game where it has taken place in a butchery shop that offers the finest and ever-so-gruesome human flesh cuts.
Visitors were invited just to give a taste on some of the ghoulish butchery samples for free, Few brave mortals dared build the courage to buy select few human meats.
Shoppers were caught unaware as they stare a bloody surprise at Smithfield Market stalls, with bodies dangling and arms just ever so slightly hanging off the racks.
The setup was made just so to specifically recreate the final scene of the game where it has taken place in a butchery shop that offers the finest and ever-so-gruesome human flesh cuts.
Visitors were invited just to give a taste on some of the ghoulish butchery samples for free, Few brave mortals dared build the courage to buy select few human meats.
Morbidly Gruesome Shop in London Capcoms Latest Marketing Strategy
A 19 years old student name Andrea Andrade was rushed into the hospital after swallowing her mobile phone. The image from the x-ray result shows the evidence.
According to the report Andrea's boyfriend named Renato just wanted too see her phone. Cause she's suspecting her girlfriend cheating on him. Andrea got refused to give her personal mobile phone,instead she swallowed her mobile phone just to prevent him from reading her text messages.
According to the report Andrea's boyfriend named Renato just wanted too see her phone. Cause she's suspecting her girlfriend cheating on him. Andrea got refused to give her personal mobile phone,instead she swallowed her mobile phone just to prevent him from reading her text messages.
Andrea's got rushed into the hospital when she's started feel the harsh. Andrea was operated upon to save her life. No one heard about them after the unpleasant incident.
Woman Cheated On Her Boyfriend And Swallow Her Phone To Prevent Her Boyfriend Reading The Messages
NORTH CAROLINA - Watch this inmate walk out of prison by walking out. Security informed the media that he tricked the guards by impersonating his brother.
Video: Inmate Escapes Prison By Walking Out The Front Door
An alarming News was recently reported about a Toxic Durian Candy with a brand name of "Wendy" that were sold to the students of Surigao Del Sur. Approximately 1,081 students from elementary to high school were poisoned and rushed to the hospital for a medical treatment. This happened last June 10 2015. style="float: right;"> Information officer Marjorie Pagaran said the city hall had to open doors for mass treatment because of the coexisting illness of the students.The officer stated that the huge number of the victims came from the students of their public schools. The said contaminated sweets were produced and distributed from the City of Davao .
The FDA have found staphylococcus bacteria that could possibly the reason of the massive food poisoning. But still the case is under investigation for further analysis.
LOS ANGELES – It is being reported that rapper Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are separating after Kanye was allegedly caught masturbating to a picture of himself by his own wife Kim Kardashian.
Kanye West was discovered in his bedroom masturbating to a picture of himself. According to Kim, she walked back inside her home after forgetting her car keys, and walked inside her and Kanye’s bedroom where she found him masturbating. Upon discovering Kanye in the act, Kim immediately ran outside their home and began crying. “I cannot believe I married a man like that,” says Kim. “I can’t be with a man like,” she finished.
On top of that, Kanye reportedly continued to masturbate after he was discovered by Kim. Kanye West has not yet spoke to reporters about the incident. Kim Kardashian is expected to file for divorce soon. We will update you as the story develops.
Kanye West was discovered in his bedroom masturbating to a picture of himself. According to Kim, she walked back inside her home after forgetting her car keys, and walked inside her and Kanye’s bedroom where she found him masturbating. Upon discovering Kanye in the act, Kim immediately ran outside their home and began crying. “I cannot believe I married a man like that,” says Kim. “I can’t be with a man like,” she finished.
On top of that, Kanye reportedly continued to masturbate after he was discovered by Kim. Kanye West has not yet spoke to reporters about the incident. Kim Kardashian is expected to file for divorce soon. We will update you as the story develops.
Kim Kardashian Caught Kanye West Masturbating To His Own Photo
One of the best things about Magic is how the Magician managed to fool other people with their astounding tricks using a simple playing card, or a pen that is part of their performance. Some of the tricks that we've witnessed when we were kids are the vanishing coin trick, restoring ropes and linking chains. Do you remember it now?
All of these acts made us a little skeptical as time goes by, but still we enjoyed watching the show. But we couldn't deny how we've been trying to figure out how did the magician executed the trick. Just like what the Two Top Magicians have experienced in their own show entitled "Fool Us".
Watch how this pianist who turned into a magician Fooled these two legendary magician.
Popular Magician-Comedian tandem Penn & Teller are the judges for this CW television show.This program hopes to discover a new talents and illusionists who can impressed the experienced Duo.
Shin Lim, the man who fooled the famous legendary duo said that he originally studied as a pianist in college but eventually decided to pursue magic more seriously.
What are your thoughts about his tricks? share us your experience!
Source : Elite Readers
All of these acts made us a little skeptical as time goes by, but still we enjoyed watching the show. But we couldn't deny how we've been trying to figure out how did the magician executed the trick. Just like what the Two Top Magicians have experienced in their own show entitled "Fool Us".
Watch how this pianist who turned into a magician Fooled these two legendary magician.
Popular Magician-Comedian tandem Penn & Teller are the judges for this CW television show.This program hopes to discover a new talents and illusionists who can impressed the experienced Duo.
Shin Lim, the man who fooled the famous legendary duo said that he originally studied as a pianist in college but eventually decided to pursue magic more seriously.
What are your thoughts about his tricks? share us your experience!
Source : Elite Readers
Amazing Man Fooled Two of the Top Magicians With His Incredible Card Trick
TOKYO - FUNimation has released the trailer for the new Dragonball Z movie and it looks amazing!
"This will give the franchise the hype it needs to reboot it back to glory," says producer Hideyoshi Tokugawa in a promotional interview for the movie. "We are hoping that the success this movie achieves will set us back on path to produce more content for TV, new media and manga."
"Dragonball Z: Resurrection F" is a limited theatrical event, showing August 4-12.
"This will give the franchise the hype it needs to reboot it back to glory," says producer Hideyoshi Tokugawa in a promotional interview for the movie. "We are hoping that the success this movie achieves will set us back on path to produce more content for TV, new media and manga."
"Dragonball Z: Resurrection F" is a limited theatrical event, showing August 4-12.
New Dragonball Z Movie To Reboot The Franchise
Our parents never forgets to remind us not to get pregnant in an early age. We should enjoy our lives while it lasts. But a story of this awful 14-Year-Old girl is very different than us, because of her greedy mother who wants her to get pregnant at her young age.
The mother of this poor Girl desperately wanted to have a grandchild as soon as possible, so she forced her 14-Year-Old Daughter to get pregnant. Not in a way of having sexual intercourse with an opposite sex but with a syringe full of sperm.
The daughter agreed to it because she thought that her mother would've love her even more for doing it. Her Mother injected not only once but a lot of attempts before she got pregnant at the age of 17.
After giving birth, the hospital staff found out about the cruelty that she experienced through her mother and immediately called the authorities.
Her mother was sentenced 5 years of imprisonment for Child Cruelty. As for her, she was taken away to live in a foster home.
Source : The Confidential Files
After giving birth, the hospital staff found out about the cruelty that she experienced through her mother and immediately called the authorities.
Her mother was sentenced 5 years of imprisonment for Child Cruelty. As for her, she was taken away to live in a foster home.
Source : The Confidential Files
Mother Forced Her Daughter To Get Pregnant At The Age of 14!
A Guy named Ellowe Alviso frequently goes to talent searches with high hopes of being discovered ever since he was a teenager, which gave him the interest to change his appearance by undergoing a Nose and Chin Surgery.
He was referred to an alleged Nurse named "Kashika" by a friend, who's the one responsible on exploiting the surgery.Everything went well, but 2 years after the medical treatment, his face started swelling in a way that made him barely able to be discerned by others.
Dr. Vicente Gil from Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center said that after injecting the substance, it granulates inside his face which causes the infection that eventually could damage the skin of the victim.
To initiate as a legal action, Ellowe filed an Illegal Practice of Medicine to the court against Kashika due to the complications that arose from the surgery.
Source : GMA NEWS
When Things Gone Wrong: Nose and Chin Surgery
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