INSIDE LOOK: Take a Sneak Peek Inside Mayor Rodrigo Duterte's Home!

After years of serving in the politics, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte's home remains quite simple and straightforward. Many have been wondering what Duterte's house may look like, suggesting that he lives a simple and normal life with the look of his house. And that is supposedly true. Take a sneak peek look inside Mayor Duterte's home courtesy of Rappler!
They toured inside Mayor Duterte's home, and the Mayor was ever so willing to open the doors for his visitors and have a look at his simple, easy looking home. They managed to get an inside look at the prominent Mayor's house, and here are some photos Rappler managed to take while touring inside Duterte's simple household.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

The entrance, and the sight of the first room after walking in from the garage doors.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

Mayor Duterte's shoe collection, which he says in a joking manner "The only thing I have in common with Imelda Marcos," referring to his obsession in shoes.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

The simple living room of Mayor Duterte's home, along with his personal professional massager. Quite the subtle look of the living room, which is splendid!
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

Mayor Duterte's book collection. As much as he loves collecting shoes, the same can be said for books as well! As Duterte says he loves spy novels, history books, and many more which he considers himself a bookworm.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

Into the stairs. Mayor Duterte says he climbs up the spiral staircase everyday to reach his bedroom. Quite the exercise too for the Mayor!
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

A picture frame depicting the younger years of Mayor Duterte when he was a child, hanging near the entrance to his bedroom.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

A look at the Mayor's simple bedroom layout. The net keeps away mosquitoes, which Duterte says bugs him every night.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

His exercise machine. Despite his age, Mayor Duterte still finds time to exercise on this little machine twice a day!
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

The modest bathroom. The Mayor says this is where he does most of his thinking! Well, most of us do too, don't we?
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

Picture frame of his youngest child, Veronica. She looks quite the cutie and adorable as well!
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

A personally signed copy of activist and priest Louie Jalandoni's biography resting atop of the running machine.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

Lastly, Mayor Duterte's personal taxi. The cab was given to Duterte by his friends 4 years ago, which he says is really handy in allowing him to go around the city discreetly.
Photo credit Pia Ranada/Rappler 

We can see that the photos Rappler has managed to provide depicts a simple, straightforward living and lifestyle of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. Despite his fame and popularity in politics, his simple household depicts that he is a humble man. Many have been rooting for Mayor Duterte to eventually run for presidency this coming 2016 elections, as some believe he is the change this country needs. While he has stated that he will not run, many are still hopeful that he will eventually change his mind and declare to run for presidency. But for the meantime, enjoy the sneak peek inside the prominent mayor's home and take a look at his simple lifestyle.
What do you think of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte's home? Did you like the simple and straightforward layout of the mayor's household? Don't forget to leave us a comment and share us your thoughts!
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